Showing posts with label Sleep Snoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sleep Snoring. Show all posts

Handling a Snoring Problem

Posted by administrator Thursday, December 11, 2008 0 comments

You must figure out whether your snoring problem is what is referred to as primary snoring or Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a much more serious condition, before you will be able to do anything to treat it. Take a few moments to learn a little more about snoring so that you will be more prepared to handle it properly.

When your breathing is blocked at night while you sleep, snoring is the result. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when your air passage becomes so blocked that you are unable to breathe for upwards of ten seconds. Primary snoring is less dangerous and occurs when the tissues in your mouth and throat make noise while trying to breathe in.

The causes of snoring differ in each individual case. They may include a deviated septum, being overweight, consuming alcohol, antihistamines, sleeping pills, and some allergies. Although your family will probably suffer, primary snoring is not dangerous for your health.

Often, spouses feel the bad effects of snoring more than the snorer himself. Spousal Arousal Syndrome is the name for the lack of sleep and restlessness that many spouses experience because of sleeping in a bed with someone who snore so heavily that their significant other is woken up constantly throughout the night. This syndrome brings about stress, irritability, and a state of being overly accident prone.

OSA, as opposed to primary snoring, can have serious health consequences. OSA stops people from breathing during sleep, leaving them to wake up sweaty, gasping for air. Sleep apnea episodes of this nature often result in sore throats and headaches.

An individual with OSA will have a hard time getting the quality sleep they need and will thus seem irritable and distracted throughout the day. That takes a serious toll on your life at work and in private.

Untreated OSA can eventually cause you to be at a much higher risk of developing high blood pressure, having a stroke, or experiencing a heart attack.

If you know you have a problem snoring and you think that the symptoms of OSA match your situation, speaking with a doctor and getting their professional advice would be in your best interests.

Snoring is just one of several sleep apnea symptoms. Learn more about some of the other warning signs of a sleep apnea problem on the Apnea Guide website. Visit for more information about how to know if your snoring is a symptom of something more serious.

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Why is Snoring Noisy?

Posted by administrator Tuesday, August 26, 2008 0 comments

Even with the basic end result of snoring is of the end result in continuously loud noises throughout the night due to breathing blockage, there are truly a good number of reasons as to why and how snoring is occurring. When studying snoring causes upon a deeper level, there are not only natural snoring causes, but there are also unnaturally direct reasons that so many people do snore.

When looking at the natural reasons there are several, with many of them requiring surgery when they must be changed to stop the snoring, or other health issue relations. When you are snoring directly due to the mouth or throat shape that you were born with, there may be lifelong snoring issues that will have to be corrected with effort to fix the habitual snoring.

There are temporary or even permanent circumstances such as enlarged adenoids, enlarged tonsils, a palate that is thick and low, a thicker than normal tongue, the unconventional shape of your back throat uvula that hangs, a deviated septum, or just a narrowed passage airway. These are all reasons for an individual to naturally snore, and most always need a doctor's attention.

When looking at the snoring reasons for snoring to be personally caused by things that are better in our control to correct or better maintain, being overweight, cigarette smoking or constant second hand smoke exposure, indulging in alcoholic beverages, medications prescribed or over-the-counter medications, and even certain types of mucus making foods and liquids. For all of the snoring causes that we have physical control over, such as our daily diets, the medications that we take and those terribly bad habits of smoking and alcohol consumption, it is up to each individual to make a drastic life saving change to their life style.

There are also the snoring causes of colds, allergies, hay fever and asthma problems that are direct contributors that more often than not, cause snoring to happen. These are snoring causes that are capable to be fully controlled so that there is a regular night of sleep every night. If you are asthmatic, your doctor will be able to help you control the asthma and then secondary, the snoring. But for those that that have a cold, hay fever or allergies, there are plenty over-the-counter medications, nasal drops such as Asonor and even devices like adhesive nasal strips to contribute to better breathing.

The shelves today are full of some very good anti-snoring remedies, and finding the best fitting one is the hardest part. These anti-snoring remedies prices vary just as much as there are so many different anti-snoring relief methods and remedies. When starting your search for the right fitting anti-snoring remedy, it is recommended to start with the simplest and cheapest anti-snoring solutions first, and then moving up the ladder with the many variations of anti snoring methods until one is found to work well. With all that is available today in the ways of anti-snoring solutions, there just is no longer an excuse to snore another night.

Dr. Anita Choudhary researches and writes for Browse our site for more information about snoring remedies, anti snoring treatment and related issues.

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Is Snoring Due to Bronchitis?

Posted by administrator 0 comments

With snoring becoming more prevalent year after year, there are now many on going studies for finding out all that can be on the repercussions of long-term steady snoring in both men and women of all age groups. Doctors and researchers have only really officially studied snoring as a worrisome on going problem since the 1960's, but a wide array of serious health issues have been connected to habitual snoring, and the health risks are still being discovered.

One of the most recent health risk findings is the association of snoring all the time and chronic bronchitis. As of January 2008, those patients that suffered from chronic bronchitis had been found to more often be regular nightly snorers than those without chronic bronchitis. These specific linking studies between chronic bronchitis and habitual snoring have been under the research microscope with doctors around the globe since the earliest part of the 2000-decade and the studies have been continuous ever since. Even with all of the studies linking the chronic bronchitis and habitual snoring, the exact causes and specific reasons of connections are still being researched due to some unsure answers still not being known.

At this point, there are now over 88 million snoring Americans, and a good 10% of these habitual snorers are beyond the embarrassing nuisance that snoring tends to be. Even though, habitual snoring is not a good safe way to live, but it is within this last 10% of excessively loud and breath stopping constant snoring that is found to be where the highest level of health demeaning risks will set in.

In many cases of snoring, breathing periodically stops and starts which may last up to a few seconds throughout the night. But it is the constant nightly breathing interruptions over the years that so many more life serious health risks will start to arise. With almost 50% of men being snorers, and a good one third of women now regularly snoring, the evidence of the serious health risks has only become even more evident.

The lists of health risks range from kidney failure, heart attacks, and heightened blood pressure and strokes are now only the beginning added on to health wise. With so many snoring complications and no sign of the health risk list stopping anytime soon, it is vital for every regular habitual snoring individual to do all that they can to stop the snoring forever. Before there is a need to consider one of the invasive anti snoring surgeries, such as Somnoplasty, or one of the several other types of surgical procedures, it is best to try out some of the many other anti-snoring remedies now available.

For the more serious snorers, a continuous positive airway pressure mask or also known as a CPAP mask that holds the throat open throughout the night and increases the nightly oxygen flow might be another option. But it is best to start exploring less invasive anti-snoring remedies such as Asonor nasal drops that can be purchased over the counter, because with so many to choose from, there is a good chance to find just the right one for you.

Dr.Anita Choudhary researches and writes for Browse our site for more information about snoring remedies, anti snoring treatment and related issues.

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