So now you’ve lost the flab you were trying to lose for years and won the battle of the bulge. But there are still some nasty leftovers – the sagging skin, the bat-wings and the pooch belly hanging down to your thighs.
Even after your massive weight loss, you’re not done. There's one more step before the new skinny you emerges. Plastic surgery can help tuck a little here and nip a little there, until your body is the perfect shape.
The Plastic Surgery Solution
The most common plastic surgery procedures for body contouring are thigh lift and body lift. Both procedures remove excess fat and tissue that is still hanging around after massive weight loss.
While the thigh lift works on the upper legs, the body lift adjusts a little bit of everything. The body lift is actually a combination operation, including several different procedures rolled into one. There may be a tummy tuck, an arm lift, some work on the thighs, and whatever else your doctor recommends. It is total body contouring.
Combination operations are becoming more and more popular. Some people wonder if it's safe to have multiple plastic surgery operations done at once. A body lift is perfectly safe; each operation is done on a smaller scale than usual, so the overall impact on your body is minimal.
Staying Skinny after Your Plastic Surgery
Unfortunately, plastic surgery isn't the end. In order to keep yourself skinny and healthy, you've got to make a plan for a healthy new lifestyle, and stick to it. Sounds tough? It's not at all. Once you see the new you in the mirror, you'll never want to go back!
The fact is that many who have won the battle, put the weight back on. Here are some simple steps to make sure you stay victorious.
Watch portion sizes - We love to eat more than we should, but this is one of the big reasons for the national weight problem. Remember that your daily meat portion should be about the size of your fist, and you can stop eating before you feel full.
It's not just how you eat, but what you eat - Watch out for high fat and high calorie foods. Carbohydrates are the biggest problem, especially in winter time. You shouldn't eat more calories than you burn everyday.
...And when you eat - Doctors recommend a big breakfast, big lunch and light dinner. You don't have a chance to burn what you eat at night.
Drinking is important too - How often do you drink water? Water is still the best drink on earth, and it's definitely much better than those sugary drinks that we love so much.
Don't forget to exercise - Even if you're not that into exercise, try walking everyday. Walking is a great way to burn fat and excess calories. 30-60 minutes of walking everyday will get you all the exercise you need to keep the weight off.
Losing weight and getting your body shaped with plastic surgery will change your life. Don't let it change back after your thigh lift, body lift or other plastic surgery. Make sure your lifestyle keeps you fit and trim. It's easier than you think!
About Author
Have pregnancy and weight loss taken their toll on your body? Don’t despair. Plastic surgery offers effective solutions in the form of body contouring. Phoenix cosmetic surgeon will help you improve the contour and appearance of your body. Visit for more information.
Article Source:
Plastic Surgery after Massive Weight Loss: Living With the New Skinny You
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Thursday, January 8, 2009