Contact Lenses and Wear Schedules

Posted by administrator Thursday, July 24, 2008

Contact lenses are a great alternative to glasses and many people prefer them. However, there are so many types to choose from now and several different wear schedules that it can be difficult to choose.

There are a variety of contacts that are designed to be used for a specific amount of time:


Disposable contact lenses can be used once before throwing them out. Because of this, they are often cheaper and are the ideal solution for anyone who doesn't want the fuss and bother of dealing with cleaning and rinsing solutions. It can be tempting to wear them for longer than the recommended period, but this will cause irritation and blurry vision and could even damage your eyes. Depending on the type you have, they will need to be replaced daily, weekly or monthly. Colored disposable contact lenses can be used intermittently for longer as they are usually only for decorative use.

Many long term wear contact lenses are actually disposable, as well.

Daily Wear

These are available in either hard or soft lenses and can be used during the day only, they are removed during the night. This type of contact lens must be carefully cleaned according to instructions before putting them back into your eyes in the morning. Without cleaning, the lens could trap debris against your eye and cause irritation. It is also a good idea to use the proper cleaning solutions and times for best results.

Extended or Long Term Wear

Most contacts with this option can be used continuously for up to a week, including overnight. However, there are some soft contact lenses that actually allow you to wear them for 30 days straight. They will then need to be discarded or thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before reuse.
The main reason extended wear contacts can be used for so long is because they allow oxygen to reach the eye, making them safe for continuous use. One of the disadvantages of extended wear contacts is that it tends to be easier to develop an infection, however the convenience usually outweighs this possible issue.

Flexible Wear

Some people find it easier to remove and clean their extended wear contact lenses each night. This lets them use them for longer and when a situation comes up (sleeping over, camping, or travel), the contact lenses can safely be used overnight without any ill effects. This often provides the best of both worlds to contact users and eliminates the need to carry glasses with them on overnight trips.

Caring for Your Eyes

Just because your contact lens is supposed to be good for a long period of time doesn't mean you should necessarily use them for that length of time. It's important to pay attention to your eyes and know when you need to remove the contacts. Sometimes eyes are more sensitive as when you are recovering from an injury or pink-eye.

If your eyes feel irritated, hot or itchy with contact lenses in, or if your vision is blurry, it might be a good idea to try removing them and going without for a bit. To avoid these problems, be sure to follow the directions on how to clean and look after your contact lenses. Torn edges or cracks can also damage your eye, sometimes permanently.

Contact lenses can be a huge improvement over glasses, but you also don't want to ruin your eyes.
Notice how your eyes look and feel and if you find that your contacts are bothering you: just take them out for a bit. Especially in the beginning, you may not be able to wear your contact lenses for the recommended amount of time.

Clearly Contacts is an online provider of contacts, eyeglasses and designer frames. Finding the right contact lens is important to not only improving your vision but also making you feel and look great.

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