In this article we are going to take a quick look at the twenty four thousand dollar question all new dieters seem to want to know: Ok - I'm ready to start, now - how do I lose weight in a week, or less, and get that killer body back from college, quick! Well, if this is you, I've got good news and bad, so read on for more!
The good news is this: You CAN lose weight in a week, and see a pretty dramatic difference in yourself after only 4 or 5 short days! If you pick the right diet plan, and the right supporting cast, you can indeed make incredibly fast progress if you are motivated. In my own weight loss adventures, I've often seen some of the best results in the very beginning of the diet, and have found this was the motivational fuel I needed to continue on to make progress, and be as successful as I've become in my own journey.
It is important though to remember that at certain key spots your body will hit some resistance points, where it feels you are at a weight plateau, or you've hit a point on the scale you simply can't pass. You can, and again, the key is consistency in execution, planning and the RIGHT program for you.
The bad news I alluded to above simply is this. You have to be careful with some of the diets you will find online these days, ( and offline as well) that promise very dramatic results within the first few days. When I see diets that promise huge results in the first 72 hours, I always cringe, because I know there will be people who will succumb to the temptation to try them. The truth is, those diets usually require some diuretic, or other way of shedding lots of artificial weight (water, etc) and have no real value in creating a lasting, tangible change to your body, mind or spirit when it comes to personal transformation.
So stick to our recommendations across the board, and you will find incredible results, I promise!
Filed Under: Who is Medifast For?
Anyone who has NOT had success on OTHER diet programs! If you've failed with other weight loss regimens, the Medifast weight loss community may be EXACTLY what you are looking for.
And as I'm SURE you probably already know, the Medifast movement has SWEPT the internet by storm and created a sea of slim, fit & BEAUTIFUL people in it's wake! ( and these are people just like you and I who have NEVER had luck on any diet program before!)
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