Obesity and Overweight - They Don't Mean the Same Thing

Posted by administrator Sunday, October 4, 2009

In order to explain why been overweight and be obese are different, I must start defining these terms.
The medical community defines overweight as an excess about of body weight.
However, this includes: fat, muscle, bones and water.
While obesity is defined as an excess amount of body fat.
So, as you can see, overweight not always means an unhealthy person, or even a weight problem.
For example, an athlete who has a large amount of muscle mass, as a wrestler, a football player, a weight lifter, all of them can be overweight in a healthy manner, and they are not obese.
So, we need to understand than obesity isn't a cosmetic problem, it's a health problem, a serious one, even for children.
Being obese all your body must work harder in order to carry the extra pounds of body fat. This includes your lungs, heart, kidney and skeleton.
I remember when I was pregnant; to carry anything more than my own body (as groceries bags) was almost a torture: my feet and knees hurt me, my heart bit increase, I feel exhausted very fast, and my own consolation was thinking all these will finish in a few months, but just think about carry all that weight permanently!
Some health problems related to obesity are:
Heart diseases
Respiratory problems
Psychological and social negative effects
Menstrual irregularities
Pregnancy complications
Now that we see some of the main health problems related with been obese, I will tell you good news: Even a small reduction on your weight can improve many of the health problems you already suffer.
People usually use Overweight and Obese as synonymous, but actually they're not having the same signification. One means a health problem, the other maybe not...
Maybe you feel terrible when you see your own image on a mirror, but that mirror didn't reflect the real problem, the real problem it's inside of you.
Sophie Barbosa usually writes articles about his 2 passions: money and finances and weight loss. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website on Motorola Flip Phone which reviews and lists the best Motorla Razr Phones for you.

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